Tuesday, October 30, 2012

So I went on a Tallinn Fashion Week on Saturday the 27th of October that took place for the sixth time and is one of the biggest fashion events in Estonia. It was my first one and I enjoyed it. It took place in Telliskivi Loomelinnak (in English Telliskivi Complex http://www.telliskivi.eu/home/cmtls/node/4). I watched three designers collections: Marimo Fashion, Eva Anders, Marija Posa.

Marimo I already knew, but the other two were unknown. First collection "Restlessness" was presented by Marimo Fashion (designer Mariliis Soobard). I have always liked the music of her shows. It is soulful and restful. In Marimo words the "Restlessness" is about people's anxiety, we are never happy with what we have. What we have achieved or achieve will never give us perfect peace. Somewhere else is always better. The collection reflects this idea, but clothes are still noble, implying that, in fact, this may still be perfect for that point in time.

More photos of this collection you can find from Marimo Fashion Facebook sheet .

Fhoto by Jelena Rudi

Photo by Jelena Rudi

Photo by Jelena Rudi

Photo by Jelena Rudi

Photo by Jelena Rudi

Eve Anders collection was defined by graceful silhouettes, bold strokes, high degree of eco-friendliness achieved by exclusive use of natural materials.

Eucalyptus and maple leaves, brought fresh from Cyprus, Israel and Netherlands, mushrooms and flowers picked in Estonian fields and forests, as well as bark of exotic trees from far reaches of the planet are synergized to make natural dyes that are applied by hand to result in unmatched colors.

Eve Anders collection introduces a new eco fabric technique to European markets called "natural print".

Pictures from www.eveanders.com. And more pictures to see on What a Fashion page

And then there was AMAZING Marija Posa. Maria Posledova is fashion designer, artist and stylist, who creates her works under the name Marfa. Her studio specializes in custom orders for private customers including haute couture clothing, evening gowns, coats, etc. 

Picture from the TFW you can see from What a Fashion page.